An experienced and specialised team of insolvency solicitors, we work closely with those facing insolvency, on behalf of insolvency practitioners or those wishing to instigate proceedings.

The Law is here to help
The law is often seen as dull, obstructive and often unnecessary. Sadly, the events of the last few weeks have shown that people and businesses need legal help and structures and without them there can be very serious and upsetting consequences. My firm is here to advise and sometimes that advice will be simply do not panic and just keep an eye on what is happening and only take action when you need to.
“You should know that the work you did for me changed my life”
Personal injury client
These are some of the areas we have identified as may be giving concern:
Daily cashflow. Always lurking below the surface and rises up when cashflow is affected. Credit cards, loans, mortgage payment can easily get out of control.
Your estate. Without a will your dependents could be neglected and not receive the support they need. Intestacy often means that those you love can miss out, particularly if you have re-married or are not married.
Your business. Either in partnership or in a limited company, you need a formal agreement to protect everyone if someone becomes ill.
Your business income. Suppliers are being squeezed by customers and legal intervention on your behalf may allow you to trade on instead of closing down
Insurmountable debt. We have been advising people and businesses about insolvency for 20 years. It may not be as bad as you think, or it might be worse. We will give you options.
If you need advice about any of these issues, call us on 0161 886 5820
We will analyse your circumstance and provide sensible recommendations, then if you wish us to act for you, we will work precisely and thoroughly upon your instruction. Fees are agreed in advance.
Our services include:
Insolvency | Commercial Litigation | Debt | Solicitors fees | Judicial Review | Probate | Share agreements | Business